Monday, September 10, 2007


正當美國甚至全球股市風高浪急之際, 我們的新財爺高姿態宣佈入股港交所. 結果如何, 大家有目共睹. 可憐買了港交所 put 的人, 認沽証一夜間變了廢紙. 亦因為政府這偉大舉措, 香港股市竟可於美股大跌市後報升.

香港市場之兩大魅力, 在於其低稅率及積極不干預政策. 今一臂已失, 港交所暴升禍福難料. 惟觀乎近日之市場走勢, 股價之波動, 股民之瘋癲, 應離大劫不遠.

國之將亡, 必出妖孳. 曾司長, 謹送你大時代陳萬賢之八字真言.


pakman said...

cannot believe I have found my twin in you.

in fact, you are even more pessimistic about the situation.



Wongchoi said...

Dear twin,

My friend simply described me and you are the most "right" (極右) persons in the economic fields~

I believe the world is simple, whilst people always think too much, and do too many analysis on stupid models.

If you ask a person born 80 or hundred years ago, what will he think about the market if a giant recession is coming, i think his answer should be very very simple.

An interest rate cut of 0.5% due to forecasted recession means a good news??!!! Come on...